Grower resources

Grower Resources

2024 03 25 Boilers

New industrial process heat consent requirements affecting covered crop growers

Changes to the national direction for greenhouse gas emissions from industrial process heat have been introduced. These changes will affect covered crop growers with heating systems that emit more than 500T of CO2 per year.

TW HortNZ 7379

Reducing Energy Emissions: Covered Cropping Decision Tree

A decision matrix designed to help growers choose the best energy reduction methods for them. Use the matrix to assist in making an informed decision about the feasibility of thermal screens, twin-skin plastic walls and dehumidifiers.

PDF, 3.2 MB.

2024 03 14 FAW photo

Fall Armyworm (FAW)

Read the latest (8 May 2024) FAW update.

DOCX, 742 KB.

G 2 Pauls Tomatoes2 v2

Energy Transition and Decarbonisation in Greenhouses, by Elly Nederhoff

A summary by Elly Nederhoff of her presentation on energy reduction in greenhouses given at the 2023 Horticulture Conference held in Christchurch in August 2023.

PDF, 1.3 MB.

Red Capsicums

Covered Crop Energy Transition Plan Comparison Report

A comparison of six different Energy Transition Plans which provides a technical and financial summary of the different technologies available to growers for reducing their energy demand and for fuel switching

PDF, 491 KB.

Red Caps

PSTVd CoP March 2023

Code of Practice for the Management of Potato Spindle Tuber Viroid (PSTVd) in Greenhouse Crops.

PDF, 267 KB.


Energy reduction tools and resources

EECA has created a webpage in collaboration with industry experts with tools and resources available for growers to reduce their energy demand, driving down energy related costs.


Energy reduction videos and case studies

Videos from the covered crops energy reduction workshop, and videos of real life case studies in Christchurch of these technologies working in covered cropping applications.

NZ Gourmet Pukekohe Glasshouse 1

Greenhouse energy efficiency 2022

Reducing energy use for greenhouse climate control toward decarbonisation of covered crops in New Zealand
Growers of covered crops in the Netherlands have been addressing the energy challenge for over a decade, and developed innovative glasshouse control technology and practices.

PDF, 49 MB.

Black Grass pic

Black-grass management guide for New Zealand growers

Author and content: Foundation for Arable Research - Blackgrass management guide for NZ growers.

PDF, 675 KB.

Outdoor crops 2

General principles for good management practices for growers using biopesticides (Dec 2021)

Biopesticides guidelines.
Acknowledgement: Author and Content: A Lighter Touch – Biopesticides good management practice 2021

PDF, 772 KB.

TW HortNZ 7379

Energy efficiency for growers – technology scan

This ‘innovative technology for transition to a low-carbon greenhouse industry’ technology scan gives a comprehensive overview from the Dutch tomato industry.

PDF, 5.1 MB.

pic Melons 650 x 450

Melon Food Safety Production and Packing Advisory - Code of Practice

PDF, 665 KB.

Outdoor crops 2

On farm biosecurity manual - outdoor crops

PDF, 4.4 MB.

Covered crops

On farm biosecurity manual - covered crops

PDF, 3.6 MB.